Email Marketing Agency

Let's work together to elevate your brand engagement and performance.

Much more than a logo, your branding is the embodiment of your business ethos. As a dedicated brand & creative agency, our team of talented graphic designers take the time to understand your business ethos and goals, so we can draw the strategy and positioning to make a desirable brand. see our work

Email Marketing Campaigns

We complete targeted email campaigns that help to keep your audience engaged with your brand. We combine email list segmentation, bespoke content creation and campaign analysis to ensure that your email marketing sees solid engagement rates and conversions.

Initial workshops with business stakeholders help us identify the best strategy for teaming design that is reflective of your brand, with a layout that offers a seamless and engaging user journey.

Abandoned Cart Recovery

Recover abandoned carts and pending orders to increase your digital commerce shop’s revenue. Sending a follow up email can help you recover at least 30% of sales that might otherwise be lost.

  • Abandoned cart emails fully customised
  • Push notifications with complete cart details
  • Set a time delay for sending messages after cart abandonment
  • Utilise variables to personalise email such as name, direct cart link, promo code & more
  • Ability to set the time span after which a cart is considered abandoned

EMAIL And SMS Automations

Drive more traffic, generate leads and increase repeated sales with our email marketing automations and funnels via omnichannel attribution where email, SMS, forms, social targeting and push notifications all under one roof, plus messages are dynamically personalised to increase customer lifetime value.

Subscribers List Segmentation

The success of your email campaign can be accelerated by using customer segmentation tools. You can reach exactly the right people with the right personalised communication message.

You email audiences can be targeted with segment by factors like:

  • Location
  • Tendency to use discounts
  • Products viewed
  • Purchase history
  • Email and SMS engagement
  • Any other kinds of data you integrate

Mailchimp And Klaviyo Ecommerce Agency

Get ready to be part of the most engaging social media channel. Instagram Stories, Photos, Reels, Carousels and Ads will allow you to further increase your reach and engagement as part of your social media strategy.

We will support you with audience and location custom ad targeting with help from instagram’s algorithm for users and accounts with similar interest and topics to yours. We will also collect data from your website to target audiences who have already visited your website or engaged with your products and services.


  • Wireframe design
  • HTML and Plain Text messages
  • Integration to Klaviyo or Mailchimp for email software distribution
  • Email automations
  • Deliverability checks
  • Contact list segmentation using known consumer metrics (ie. last purchase date, regular buyer, etc)
  • Set up customised workflows to automatically email relevant messages to the right people
  • Set up customised workflows to automatically email relevant messages to the right people
  • 24 hours post-campaign reporting

Complete Strategy

We will incorporate a full customer persona analysis, segmenting your audience for the most effective communications. We can help develop your tone of voice and deliver automation schemas to move your customers along the buying funnel based on their unique needs and desires.

CRM Integration

We can integrate any CRM platform to leverage content customisation and analytics, working alongside a Marketing Attribution strategy to ensure each touchpoint of the journey is covered. This allows us to streamline your communications and create more meaningful relationships with your subscribers.

Segmentation And Marketing Automation

We will develop core customer groups based on constant behavioural analysis, alongside existing data. This then informs the full strategy, using big data analytics coupled with AI to improve Marketing Automation funnels. We’ll then hit your audiences with the right content at the right time, using incentives and progressive persuasion techniques to develop brand engagement across every stage of the customer journey.


Leverage your subscriber data by personalising your email communications for higher engagement to build trust and loyalty to your brand. We’ll enable you to tailor their experience of your business based on the information they give you, feeding them the content they need when they want it.

Design and Copywriting

Crucial to your message is the wording. We’ll create copy focused on telling your customer exactly what they want to hear at every stage of the funnel, harvesting the insight from your personas to nurture leads towards conversion.

HTML Coding

Email is consumed across a vast array of devices and email client software, so it’s imperative the end product renders flawlessly. We create responsive email templates that are cross-platform rigorously tested to ensure your customers always have a positive user experience.

Testing & Optimisation

Understanding the customer lifecycle is crucial to mapping a workflow of communications. We evolve your campaigns through content personalisation and A/B testing to maximise your results, based on the results we see in the data.

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